• Türkçe
  • English

IPCEDU 2020 - IPCEDU 2020 E-Book

Participants who make presentation at the International Pegem Education Conference (IPCEDU-2020) may apply for their papers to be published as a book chapter in the IPCEDU-2020 e-book. The applied papers should be in the book format and the writers should revise their texts according to the given feedbacks by the session chairs and audience during their presentations. The application criteria for e-book papers are mentioned below.
The applications will be made between October 01 and October 20, 2020. The applied papers will be evaluated between October 21 and November 9, 2020 by evaluation committee, field editor and editor and the writers will be informed about the results on November 11, 2020. For the accepted book chapters, the writers will be given time until November 25 to revise their work and the e-book will be published until November 30, 2020.

Acceptance criteria for the chapters of IPCEDU-2020 e-book:
  • Chapters should be minimum 5, maximum 40 pages (“Calibri” 10 point size and single-spaced).
  • The subject of the chapters should be included by at least one of the themes and should be parallel to the main theme.
  • Chapters should be either in Turkish or English and should not be grammatically problematic.
  • The papers will be controlled for plagiarism and if the paper contains parts without reference, the application will be out of evaluation. The exact quotations, even if they are given reference, should not be more than 15% and the references used should be listed in the reference list.
  • Chapters should be prepared according to the template. Proofreading will be provided to participants if requested.

    Click for IPCEDU 2020 E-Book Template